Companies like Sony and Toyota might well continue as fearsome competitors on the world stage, but Japan will enjoy fewer benefits of their success.
A.T.& T.'s rivals are less enthusiastic because they fear an unleashed Ma Bell would become a more fearsome competitor.
Everyone believes his post-9/11 stature would make him a fearsome competitor in any race.
Soon after, she became a fearsome competitor at the top level of junior chess, her collection of tournament prizes rivalling even her sister's haul.
At his fighting peak in the early '70s, he was recognized as one of the World's most fearsome competitors.
Those traits helped make Peat a fearsome competitor in the profession.
His extreme fitness combined with team tactics made him a fearsome competitor.
Still, few changes are likely to catapult Xerox ahead of its most fearsome competitor, Hewlett-Packard, anytime soon.
But suddenly he faced a fearsome new competitor.
But an aide called the assertions "laughable," contending that Mr. Bradley was considered a fearsome competitor as a basketball player.