He remained housing spokesman in opposition, and his mastery of the subject made him a fearsome opponent to the incumbent Conservative ministers.
The courage to face fearsome opponents in the ring when you knew your abilities were not what they once were.
The House revels in bold adventurers who seek out and overcome fearsome opponents.
He would be a fearsome opponent.
She is a fearsome opponent in combat and can take on 20 to 30 enemies at the same time.
Konda and Bron skipped back, ready to do battle but more inclined to run from such a fearsome opponent.
Nigel Short at 45 remains a fearsome opponent and last year delighted the spectators with his post-game commentary.
On land or space, the gammaroid is a fearsome opponent.
He also flew among the Xians and made them see you as an extremely fearsome opponent.
In game Skrag is a fearsome opponent.