The distributed location of the different organizations in the team allowed this to be a feasible strategy.
For now, we should focus on a feasible strategy that is relatively inexpensive yet can greatly improve the lives of millions of Bangladeshis.
Since I intended to eliminate all pirates, not just some of them, this was a feasible strategy for me.
Indeed, without other far-reaching changes in the way people make decisions, this may be the only feasible strategy, and this possibility is discussed in Chapter 9.
The only feasible strategy is to accept the ultimate downsizing and make it work.
Experimental evidences suggest that careful targeting of PCs in gynecological cancer may represent a feasible strategy to deter tumor progression.
When specialization became a feasible evolutionary strategy again, however, they were outcompeted by more advanced taxa.
No feasible strategy points a way toward democracy or even stability; a re-emergent despotism may well be beyond our stopping.
They outlined a feasible strategy for a computer-assisted proof.
The only feasible strategy available to attack slavery was to restrict its expansion into the new territories.