There they gathered to a one, every man, woman, and child, and feasted together in the protective rim of light.
Here as the king's sons, and their cousin, Tarquinius Collatinus, the son of Egerius, were feasting together, a dispute arose about the virtue of their wives.
The young villagers feast together at the outskirts of the village.
We feasted together on a wonderful beet salad made from beets grown on the farm.
Not only Kristlin and his father, but men and boys who had labored beside him on the fire-lines and feasted together at Midsummer, gone!
They feast together.
When everyone was feasting together, moreover, it was easy to overlook that the system had grown some blatant conflicts of interest.
She insults Petruchio (and Katherina) when they are feasting together after the three marriages: "He that is giddy thinks the world turns round."
Jeremy's taste and belly and intellect feasted all together.
The jailers began to be careless around Li and Wang, and they often feasted together.