"Well and did you think they resembled feathered arrows when they were flying?"
There was a feathered arrow in the trunk of the tree he squatted near.
Like a feathered arrow the Golden Circle fell away from the sun.
Tomas gave the order, and elven bowmen added feathered arrows to the fray.
One man reacted too slowly and, with a sickening thud, a dark feathered arrow buried itself in his throat.
It was one of the feathered arrows, with its cruel barbed tip, slipping by so close he had felt the hot wind of its passage.
"Here is the rest of the outfit," said Edgecombe, holding forth a bow and several feathered arrows with obsidian heads.
Most carried spears; all had quivers, bristling with feathered arrows, at their hacks.
One of the soldiers went down with a feathered arrow in his shoulder.
A thick, feathered arrow protruded from the middle of his forehead.