There is the fragrance of tall grasses, uncut, waving feathered heads.
The Redwallers slept on, oblivious to the feathered head which poked itself into their refuge.
It turned its feathered head around on its broad shoulders, looking behind itself like an owl.
There was a sad murmuring, a shaking of feathered heads.
The non-breeding male has a feathered head except for a small yellow patch behind the eye.
The feathered head lifted a little higher, and the flat wedge of Naja's face turned toward her.
Yagharek's feathered head emerged from behind the clay, and they lowered their hands.
Yagharek stopped by the first door and flattened his feathered head against it.
When it came he fired through the window at a feathered head he saw peering around a tree close to the car.
Beyl's feathered head gave a decided nod of agreement.