Another ad featuring James shows him struggling to fix an apparent paper jam in a copier.
A 2006 Nike shoe commercial featuring LeBron James' "The LeBrons"
Heat 2 featured James and Jonathan Borlée, and double-amputee Pistorius' attempt to make the final.
On 23 February 2012 the Royal Mail released a stamp featuring James as part its "Britons of Distinction" series.
Episode 2 featured Jeremy, Richard and James attempting to build an electric car better than a G-Wiz.
The book's first story arc featured James battling a white pimp.
It ended in a Heat victory, one that featured James dunking on Jason Terry; he received a technical foul for staring down at Terry post-dunk.
The track runs through the Zoo Park and also features James, Diesel, Cranky and the Fat Controller.
Cinemassacre has published a number of other reviews featuring James and associates as themselves.
Alderson as Starr later shot a music video for the song featuring James.