One of these, included in the show, is an architectural fantasy featuring staircases, arches and urns, viewed from a worm's perspective.
The center section of the loft railing is original, featuring small pointed arches with a reproduction of the design on the side sections.
Interiors feature columns and arches between walls for reinforcement.
It features an entrance porch and numerous Gothic arches.
The tower itself features double arches with slight points.
It features high Gothic arches, palm vaulting, and frescoes dating from the 14th century.
The courtroom also features articulated segmental arches over large windows separated by pilasters.
It features round arches, recessed panels, and decorative corbelling in the Romanesque style.
This Romanesque style developed throughout the period, featuring characteristic circular arches.
Constructed in the Gothic Revival style, the building features very slender arches.