Which feature differentiates birds from other living creatures?
Several features differentiate practitioner-teacher model programs from more traditional, academically-based universities:
Several features differentiate it from the traditional church.
This feature differentiates it from later Cleveland, or 351-series engines, that use an integrated timing cover, cast in the block.
Some features of the teeth differentiate Dermotherium from both living colugo species, but other features are shared with only one of the two.
Several features differentiate the practitioner-scholar model from the other two:
Several features differentiate CVN-77 from other ships in the Nimitz class.
However, several key features differentiate College Puzzle Challenge from these events.
But Mr. Levine also says that such features differentiate the Jr.
These features jointly may be considered as altogether typical, and differentiate "Hungarian peasant music" from that of any other nation.