A television commercial was filmed in New York City featuring stampeding elephants to announce this new premium line.
On one memorable occasion, in Chiangmai, we signed up for a day trip that featured elephants and rafting.
Old prints are terminally cute, featuring elephants dancing the fox trot or monkeys drinking Champagne.
Many of these have been set in Africa and have featured elephants - an animal with which she became very familiar during her childhood.
Coins of Tarentum after this battle also featured elephants.
Mr. Sherffius's original drawing, which he delivered on Dec. 9, featured Republican elephants partying.
Other prehistoric creatures make an appearance as well, for example woolly mammoths are used where other games might feature elephants.
Later in the year he will be starting work on his next animal drama, featuring Indian elephants.
Also from the renovation project, the zoo began featuring elephants, giraffes, zebras, pygmy hippopotamuses, sea lions, and many other large animals.
Oh, she developed unique prints like an art deco pattern depicting old cigarette cases and a rajah print featuring pink leopards and green elephants.