Over 200 organizations from 60 countries were represented at the event, in addition to government delegations featuring both technical experts and political figures.
The show occasionally features guests and other experts which they interview on topics of interest.
Half of these events are either speakers or discussion panels, featuring experts from literature, theater, film, the arts, history, culture, and other topics.
By episode 8, the show adopted an interview-style format featuring experts in their field.
Workshops feature experts in various fields of study, hands-on activities and adventures within the national lakeshore.
There are plans for an English-language television program featuring American political and cultural experts, which could start this spring.
The film features several prominent experts regarding the subject of the Balkans, such as Ret.
The segments are topical based with classroom examples featuring various educational experts.
It will feature experts discussing the various aspects of Digital's business, he said, and is merely a forum for shareholders to learn more about the company.
Health Care Symposia, public discussions featuring experts in various social and medical fields.