Every feature focused downward to a narrow chin: Her mouth, though, was full and promised a passion that she was careful to bridle.
Recent features have focused on Margate boxer Takaloo, the threat of mixed martial arts and learning to box.
The second feature, "Minoes," for ages 6 to 13, focuses on a cat that becomes a woman after drinking industrial waste.
Her features grew still and focused as she listened.
In-depth features focus on innovation and tradition in craft, engineering, design and business.
Special features focus on measures not available with sufficient frequency to be regular indicators or which provide more detailed information about a topic.
Another innovative feature focused on a player leveling system where the player would perform better in different areas of skating skill by practicing them repeatedly.
The feature focuses on the auditions for the bar patrons who had to be able to make the noises and sound effects required for the song.
The third feature focuses clearly on the risks we will have to face in our endeavours to promote sustainable development.
Every feature focused on the pursed-up mouth from which that monotonous noise issued.