The garden's annual plant sale will feature annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, azaleas, day lilies, herbs and geraniums as well as garden supplies and hanging baskets.
The menu at The Restaurant at Kellogg Ranch often features fruits, vegetables and herbs from the restaurant's culinary garden.
There is a snack bar and a garden featuring spices and traditional medicinal herbs.
The salad that came with the meal featured fresh wild greens, mushrooms, and other local herbs, and was terrific, he'd said.
Like many gardens of the period it features not only ornamental plantings but herbs used for medicinal purposes, cooking, or for their fragrance.
The market features fresh Oregon-grown fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, plants, and animal products.
Elsewhere within the 11-acre site, nine additional smaller landscapes will feature such specialized garden aspects as scented geraniums, tropical plants and herbs arranged in an Elizabethan knot.
Nicola's in Glen Cove is featuring distinctive foods and herbs of spring.
His sauces are sophisticated, featuring classic reductions and fruits, vegetables and unexpected herbs.
The garden features herbs, which for centuries have been healing illness or having beneficial effects in infirmity.