Both men were also featured in the second version of the New design series ten peso bill that was first released in 1997.
A reprise of the song after Mufasa's death was also cut from the film, but is featured in the musical version.
Songs marked with an asterisk are featured in the mobile version.
Bratt, which was not originally featured in the original version of the song.
The song is featured in the Korean version of Audition Online.
Ben Stiller is featured in the extended version of the music video for the song.
Additionally, the laundry index is only featured in the Japanese version.
Earlier works-in-progress employed larger numbers of icons than would be featured in the final version.
Slime was also featured heavily in the original Australian version of the show.
He was featured in both the 1929 and the more famous 1940 version of The Letter, first as the murdered lover, then the wronged husband.