Almost every country has featured insects on stamps.
They feature birds, insects and flowers on a scale many times their real size, but in Mr. Rockman's world nothing is ever quite real.
It features dead insects encased in beads of acrylic resin.
Appetizers and desserts featured insects in their preparations.
Natural Rhythm featured insects, birds and other wildlife as well as a tribesman playing a flute like instrument.
Another attraction features David Gracer cooking edible insects and offering them to visitors to sample.
This book was unusually written by hand rather than typeset, and featured little insects to show common programming errors or bugs.
In case the theme for the evening still isn't clear, sculptors have donated works featuring insects.
It also featured monsters and insects to eliminate or bypass while playing in story mode.
In January 2010 it held a dinner event featuring insects for which guests paid $155.