Musical eras seldom disappear at once; instead, features are replaced over time, until the old is simply felt as "old-fashioned".
The feature has been replaced by a more powerful alternative feature.
The boyish features had long since been replaced by the angular, almost harsh lines of the man.
Mr. Fox worked out a preliminary plan in which these features would all be replaced on the roof of the new plant after construction.
Some features have been replaced by a superior mechanism; for example, there's now one control panel for Internet settings instead of four.
Spock's drawn features were replaced by the face of the beautiful Bantu woman.
The features of the face distorted and were replaced by a mirror image of Assylia.
Jenny's features had been replaced by Glenda's hard unattractive lines.
At some stages in the series a character's facial features will be replaced by these emoticons.
Her features, faded out of the screen, were replaced by the "Hold" signal.