The menu featured meat - mutton, steak, carbo, beefalo - in large portions ranging up to half a kilogram.
There's a fairly standard pub-food list that's complemented by a seasonal menu featuring local seafood and meat - the lamb is delicious.
They demand attention and deliver plenty of heft, so the menu must feature red meat.
The roast duck featured crisp skin and moist meat but ask for its soy-maple glaze on the side.
Seared salmon jambalaya is a variation on a bayou favorite that often features meat, poultry or shellfish as its centerpiece.
The new Italian restaurant will feature pasta, fish and meat, including meat grilled with grape leaves over an open fire.
Roast duck with scallions featured lean, juicy meat enlivened by the shredded onions.
Other galettes feature meat or vegetarian options.
These flavorful rice flour pancakes feature kimchi, leeks, or heavier meat and seafood fillings.
Several popular dishes feature seafood and meat, including the Fah-fah spicy boiled beef soup.