Soon after, Type-Moon released Tsukihime Plus-Disc in January 2001, a light-hearted addition to Tsukihime that featured three side-stories and assorted multimedia.
The Herald's website,, features all paper content in a digital format, as well as multimedia such as videos, photo galleries, and audio slideshows.
The website features a brief description of the project, news about the project, and multimedia including Stringfellow's photography and the audio tour.
Tech 2000, at 800 K Street, near the Ramada Renaissance-Techworld Hotel, is a hands-on museum with about 60 computer exhibits featuring interactive multimedia.
In addition, the event featured multimedia video presentations and interactive segments with the live school audience.
It featured multimedia including various pictures and quotes by Ugoff as well as the Ugoff television commercial.
A Standard Edition & Limited Edition are available with the latter featuring multimedia content.
Initially designed only to showcase photographs, the new version to be released in 2009, will feature sound files, digital video files, text, graphics and multimedia.
The exhibit featured specimens, photography, art, models, and multimedia about the discoveries of the program.
The Big Up Festival 2011 will also feature increased arts and multimedia installations throughout the entire festival grounds.