The company has been featured on CNBC, Fox Business News, and the Today Show.
Wayne Lytle and his works have also been featured on Fox News and over 30 other local stations in January 2007.
Members of the Concert Band have also been featured on the History Channel, Fox News, CNN, and ESPN.
Ryun has been featured on Fox News, CNN, Politico and The Washington Post, among other notable media outlets.
Its editors were featured on Fox News and the Huffington Post.
BarterQuest was featured on Fox Business News.
WebWatcher has also been featured on Fox News, NBC, and in Forbes magazine.
NanoFlex display featured on Fox Business News.
The celebration brought an estimated 10,000 people to Aggieville on December 31, 2005, and was featured live on Fox News.
The Mitt Mobile has been a large success in attracting attention, and was even featured on Fox News' On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.