The album cover features Rodney Linderman's father, also named Rodney.
The episode also features Groundskeeper Willie's father, even though Willie in an earlier episode said that he was killed for stealing a pig.
The album featured Toumani Diabaté, as well as his late father.
One, frequently occurring, featured his father.
Both featured her father.
The poster above the heads of Kendrick features himself and his father.
Paul's drawing features his father, with his green beret, and the words, "Men will jump and die."
The Independent chose the same approach, but featured Stephen's father, Neville, with quote from him: "I cannot rest until they are all brought to justice."
Mr. Thune's commercials soon began featuring his father, who was a World War II fighter pilot.
Boch Jr. was in a car, watching images from an old commercial featuring his father, in the rear view mirror.