Kilbane joined the cast of MADtv in 1997 as a feature performer, for the third season.
The next night's feature performer was a band named Cork, in their first live performance.
Weir joined the cast of MADtv in 2000 as a feature performer, for the 6th season.
Price joined the cast of MADtv in 2008 as a feature performer, for the fourteenth season.
Johnson joined the cast of MADtv in 2005 as a feature performer, for the eleventh season.
While Lopez was obviously the feature performer at St. John's, there were other events to help make the evening memorable.
He frequently performs at festivals and in clubs nationwide and often tours as the feature performer.
Ms Nixon has also been a feature performer on four of the Annual Academy Awards.
Moore joined the cast of MADtv in 2002, as a feature performer, for the eighth season.
And all but the last five rows of seating can be removed to change the configuration of the space, a feature performers found particularly appealing.