The world premiere happened in Azerbaijan Cinema on July 30, 2011 to the full attendance, featuring producers and most of the main cast.
The markets, sponsored by the Peconic Land Trust, will feature more than 30 growers and producers.
The band is currently touring and working on a new studio project which will feature multiple producers that is planned for a late 2012 release.
This series of documentaries concerning Canadian life featured various hosts and producers during its run.
The Kitchener Market features local producers, international cuisine, artisans, and crafters.
Soul Punk features no guest artists or other producers, and Stump performed all the instruments himself.
The other tracks feature other producers.
The remainder of the album consists of tracks featuring various producers.
Reopening in 1979, it has grown and now features nearly 160 growers and producers.
The album is the second to feature Scandinavian producers.