The game features several recipes, each listing preparation times, ingredients and courses.
Together the kitchen staff and the celebrity prepare a meal featuring recipes from the author's latest book.
About 9,500 people subscribe to its weekly newsletter, which features recipes and news items from each show.
Her new website, launched in September, features recipes and posts about laundry.
The Welcome Table, which featured recipes she learned from her grandmother and mother, connected with stories.
The center's 60th anniversary cookbook, featuring recipes contributed by members of the community, costs $9 and proceeds from book sales help support the center.
There are now cookbooks featuring recipes that use it as their main condiment.
Eventually Ms. Norris plans a book featuring recipes and the family stories that go with them.
The 45 new food magazines took second place, helped by the growing popularity of titles featuring lean cuisine and quick recipes.
The book features recipes "from his seven dining rooms" (of his Hollywood home).