Tupperware parties, typically held in a consumer's home and featuring refreshments and chat along with the selling, are becoming outmoded.
The annual fair, featuring more than 300 artisans, entertainment and refreshments.
Mothers are given the opportunity to interact in a fun, casual atmosphere featuring refreshments, an inspirational speaker, and complementary childcare.
The free event will also feature entertainment and refreshments.
Tomorrow and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., the annual Antique and Craft Fair will take place, featuring appraisals, entertainment and refreshments.
Featuring continuous video screenings and refreshments.
Each Wednesday, a Victorian Night reception is held after the performance, featuring guest speakers and refreshments.
A walk with Urban Park Rangers, featuring a bonfire and refreshments.
There have been many screenings featuring not only refreshments, but appearances by a film's stars and even question-and-answer sessions with filmmakers.
The show will also feature an identification booth, a glass repairman, a book exhibition and refreshments.