The second panel, will feature representatives from regulated entities who will present their perspectives on daily compliance issues that they face on an ongoing basis.
First of three lectures and demonstrations of new digital media technologies, featuring representatives from computer companies.
The event featured Mayor Menino, representatives from various sponsors, and related agencies.
It featured local talent, city officials and representatives of area military bases.
It usually features representatives from about a dozen countries.
The expo features global representatives of the organic food industry, interactive activities, live music, and food.
Ten events feature entirely new representatives, and in 10 others, two of the three qualifers are different.
The air show featured representatives from 16 countries around the world and 27 kinds of aircraft.
It features representatives and information from various local schools, along with enrichment, tutoring and extracurricular programs, financial planners and more.
The field, which now includes women, also features representatives from all 50 states and a handful of foreign countries.