In November 2011, parts of the new addition opened mostly featuring temporary holiday stores and signs showing yet to come.
The museum features signs from old casinos and other businesses displayed outdoors.
The protests also featured signs denouncing the U.S government for its support of Israel.
Other demonstrations put on that summer featured singing, dancing, masks, costumes, makeup, and signs.
Now, some fences also feature signs reading, "This land and my life are not for sale."
At the same time, a counterdemonstration was held by left-wing organizations that featured a rock concert and signs saying: "No human being is illegal."
The opening ceremonies of the games, the first to take place since that day, featured signs of the aftermath of that day's events.
It also features signs that tell of the events at the battle.
The ornamentation features symbols such as Stars of David, signs of the zodiac and natural forms.
The Wayfarer system also features signs that point to parking or hospitals.