It was the first passenger carriage to feature toilets, which were becoming more and more important with longer travelling being made possible.
The rebuilt trains feature carpeted floors and new toilets with heated seats.
This issue was resolved in 2006, however, with the completion of gender-specific restrooms featuring standard flush toilets connected to the city's sewer system.
The centre also features a taxi rank and public toilets (these now charge a fee for entry)
These sets feature cab gangway connections and toilets.
Internally, the building featured Soane styling, flushing toilets and hot water.
Reflecting Twain's interest in technology, the house was ultramodern for its day, with seven bathrooms featuring flush toilets and running water.
These new sets feature wheelchair-accessible toilets, and tinted glass windows.
The campgrounds feature flush toilets, showers, and public phones.
Eighty G set cars featuring toilets, high-backed reversible seating and passenger door opening controls were built between 1994 and 1996.