Episodes are triggered by febrile illness, infection, or fasting.
In these cases, antibiotics-generally penicillin-should be taken at the first onset of febrile illness if the patient is not on daily prophylaxis.
This disease was first identified due to a Wisconsin patient who died with a severe febrile illness two weeks after a tick bite.
There he died of a febrile illness at about the age of 50.
Now this same woman developed a febrile illness associated with what looked like a skin infection at her IV site.
Edmond de Polignac died of a febrile illness, on 8 August 1901.
This condition is a febrile illness caused by immune attack of the pleura and the pericardium.
As of midnight 11 March, 50 health care workers had been screened and 23 of them were found to have febrile illness.
Many primary infections result in a nonspecific febrile illness.
Surveillance of febrile illness in 4 countries.