Now, although the regulars on here don't like it, there is nothing in and of itself wrong with a federal Europe.
Is it possible, for instance, to create the form of a democratic government out of a federal Europe?
He even sees it as a step toward creation of a federal Europe.
Instead, he repeated his more flexible stand on the notion of a federal Europe.
"Is it to take us along the road toward a federal Europe, hoping we will never get there?"
It is up to us to make a more persuasive case for a federal Europe.
At the same time, we want a federal Europe that is better equipped for its core tasks, such as foreign and security policy.
Let them decide whether this further leap forward towards a federal Europe is in fact what they want.
Would you like it to be a federal Europe with an elected government?
This has nothing to do with the subject under discussion and is simply an expression of a desire to create a federal Europe.