And he thinks that such a surge is unlikely before Social Security becomes a drain on federal coffers in 2017.
The larger number is expected to be the only one that applies, raising the amount the hedge fund owes to federal coffers to about $56 million.
But he wrote that the shifting is more likely to result in annual tax losses to federal coffers of $10 billion to $20 billion.
Mr. Fleischer meant that it would leave too much of the surplus in federal coffers for spending projects.
But we have to consider tolls because the federal and state coffers can't pay for the new highway lanes and subway lines we'd like.
A booming economy and a soaring stock market had filled federal coffers; Asia had, sort of, recovered from its 1997-98 financial crisis.
Besides, the levy works to the state's advantage, allowing the church to pursue a useful social role and earning extra funds for federal coffers.
(Maine gets back $1.30 for every dollar sent to federal coffers.)
On the other hand, it's also possible that the tax incentives would miraculously repay the federal coffers many fold.
Giver states get back less than a dollar in spending for every dollar they contribute to federal coffers.