The release of water from the federal dams does have something to do with the high waters around Villahermosa.
The Department of the Interior hired him for one month to write songs about the Columbia River and the construction of the federal dams for the documentary's soundtrack.
Some of these hatcheries also help mitigate the loss of fishing from the large federal dams built in the last century.
Republicans on the Subcommittee are devoted to promoting low-cost, clean, renewable and emissions-free hydroelectricity generated by federal dams and reservoirs.
Governor Andrus called attention to the downstream federal dams operated by the Army Corps of Engineers as the major culprit.
The construction of large federal dams on the Willamette's tributaries between 1941 and 1969 damaged the spawning grounds for spring Chinook salmon and steelhead trout.
This year, though, the price finally became unbearably high for the Bonneville Power Administration, a nonprofit agency that markets electricity from 29 federal dams on river.
For years, the Fish Passage Center has been tolling the decline of salmon as they fought their way around federal dams on the Columbia and Snake Rivers.
Most environmentalists and some tribal officials, however, are convinced that federal dams, the major engines of the Northwest's electricity grid, are at the root of the problem.
Four federal dams on the lower Columbia provide an average of 2,350 megawatts of electricity a year, enough to power two cities the size of Seattle.