Upwards of 2,500 people (it is thought that as many as 5,000) attended the federal hearing, with 1400 volunteering to testify.
Additionally, in the federal evidentiary hearing on Byrd's habeas corpus petition, the state presented evidence that Brewer repeatedly said Byrd was the actual killer.
He is too far gone, his lawyers said in a federal hearing on his competency last week, to help them in his defense.
This accusation was based on testimony from labor union official John Serpico during federal hearings on labor racketeering.
Today, politicians are calling for federal hearings into the evacuation plan's approval.
DeSimone could not have threatened Carter's Canadian supporters immediately prior to the 1985 federal hearing, since he died in 1979.
His death ignited a passionate debate about police brutality and led to a series of state, federal and departmental hearings and trials.
A federal hearing into the matter had been scheduled for the Monday that followed his death.
The issue arose most famously in 1954 at federal hearings over whether his security clearance should be revoked.
Both condemned men will now get federal hearings.