Nowhere on the peninsula is federal largess more central to the economy than in Forks, and nowhere is the populace more critical of the government.
Much of the land had already been developed, and property owners were already enjoying the benefits of the flood insurance program and other federal largess.
The beneficiaries of that federal largess apparently believe that they don't owe anything to the country in return.
They are outraged by federal largess that goes to the undeserving--except when the undeserving happen to include their own friends, contributors, and constituents.
He said the president could carry California in November if he coughed up more federal largess.
As a result he was able to provide federal largess for Mississippi (including the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway and federal relief after Hurricane Camille) throughout his career.
These policies tend to cause overproduction in this country at great environmental expense and to the detriment of smaller family farmers, who are rapidly disappearing despite the federal largess ostensibly intended to protect them.
In one of its last actions before adjourning for the year, Congress last week specified more than 600 health care providers that will receive federal largess in the coming year.
Voters in red states like Idaho, Montana and Wyoming are some of the country's fiercest critics of government, yet they're also among the biggest recipients of federal largess.