During this period the Republican Party relied heavily on federal patronage with federal appointments during Republican administration in Washington for such offices as local Postmasters.
Republicans held no local or state offices, but the party did have some federal patronage.
Central political battles of this era were the Bank War and the Spoils system of federal patronage.
The Post Office in the 19th century was a major source of federal patronage.
He enlarged the importance of the governor's office, reorganized state government, won control of federal patronage, and cooperated with the New Deal to strive for economic recovery.
Hague's personal influence extended to the national level, influencing federal patronage and Presidential campaigns.
He used his authority as Governor to abuse federal patronage to improve his own financial well being.
Roosevelt learned a valuable lesson - that federal patronage alone, without White House support, could not defeat a strong local organization.
Arthur agreed, and directed the federal patronage in Virginia through the Readjusters rather than the Republicans.
In return, Roosevelt dropped investigation of the Long machine on tax evasion charges and restored federal patronage to Louisiana.