It helped win federal permission to cut the trees at the site.
The most obvious development has been Wal-Mart's request for federal permission to enter the banking business.
In 1938, the state of Arizona attempted to gain federal permission to build the dam.
Companies can also, in many cases, contribute to plans with their own stock, as Northwest Airlines asked federal permission to do in November.
In 2003, when Oregon expanded its Medicaid program, it received federal permission to charge premiums of $6 to $20 a month for certain new beneficiaries.
Transportation authority officials say they expect federal permission soon to begin the final phase of engineering and designing the project's first phase.
Under such waivers, states could, with federal permission, establish common rules for the different programs, but could not shift money from one federal program to another.
But Mr. Apple said the authority was unable to get federal permission to use that $78 million.
But the governor stopped short of saying the state would import drugs without federal permission.
As of summer 2011, the Red Line has received federal permission to enter preliminary engineering.