You may qualify for a new, affordable federal plan.
The federal plan is similar to programs in more than two dozen states where consumers can place their phone numbers on so-called do-not-call registries.
Another major difference is that the federal plan allows generators to trade pollution credits, while New York's does not.
They argue that the federal plan does little to address the threats to these fish.
He organized and managed a collaboration to develop a federal plan to clean up the Great Lakes.
Under the league's federal plan, Rome would take whatever small share of tax money it may need for national defense and foreign policy.
However, those decisions may be delayed as city and state officials wait to see federal plans.
So the states embraced the federal plan, noting that many elements were identical to their own.
Now that the states have been briefed on the federal plan, they generally support it, several officials said.
Both state and federal officials said the federal plan was modified in some ways as a result of discussions with the states.