He believed in the federal process and searched for ways to renew it.
At the same time, city officials continued to vigorously defend their work and criticize the federal process.
Interns gain knowledge on the federal legislative process and the day-to-day work that goes into researching, drafting, and passing a bill in the Senate.
However, about 20 states have recognized Native American tribes outside of federal processes.
Similarly, the concept of holding program managers accountable underlies the existing federal process for accrediting systems for use.
We find no double jeopardy here which can be said to amount to a denial of federal due process in the proposed execution.
He said the federal and state processes for responding to erosion define a crisis as a breach or houses falling into the ocean.
Information on the federal legislative process, and my positions on key issues.
NCH has remained the substantive voice in the federal legislative process for people who are experiencing homelessness.
One officer said he recently had to free someone who had 14 ounces of methamphetamine until the federal process took effect.