He added that leasing a building made sense because the county could receive federal or state reimbursements for much of the rental costs.
Neither Georgia nor Massachusetts claimed federal reimbursement for such fees.
- Lifts a 180-day deadline for repairs to be eligible for federal reimbursement.
Moreover, the state could lose up to $40 million in federal reimbursement because of problems with Connections.
This bill provides for the federal reimbursement of emergency health services furnished to undocumented aliens.
At lunch, every student gets a banana or an apple - a requirement that schools must meet to receive federal reimbursements.
They concluded that $4 million of the bonus payment was "unreasonable" and not eligible for federal reimbursement.
But it was disbanded two years ago after cuts in federal and state reimbursements.
Still, the project has been a tough sell for the hospital, which found no federal reimbursement for incorporating the assistance technologies into the apartments.
Another issue for the city was its federal reimbursements.