But the report stopped short of saying there were federal violations, they said.
They said it's not a federal violation unless the pollutant is placed directly into the river; mudslides don't count.
In law enforcement, "concurrent jurisdiction" may exist, where a crime may be a local, state, and federal violation all at the same time.
Ten or fifteen federal violations on the guns alone, but that would be the least of Vinnie's problems if they ran into the heat.
'You know, it's a federal violation to be disrespectful to federal agents,' she said.
"We're in the process of assessing the situation to determine if there was a federal violation," said Lisa Bull, a spokeswoman for the office.
Experts cautioned against drawing conclusions from the number of federal violations.
The child's non-custodial mother then sued alleging a federal violation of the due process clause.
After talking to patients and reviewing health records, investigators found "a number of serious constitutional and federal statutory violations," according to their report.
Dow asserted that the EPA shouldn't be able to snap photos in search of federal violations.