Mexico is a federation comprising thirty-one states and a Federal District, the capital city.
But because the federation comprising Serbia and neighboring Montenegro will be dissolved this year, he is seeking a new job as the Serbian leader.
Rather than a stand-alone gang, the Aizukotetsu-kai is a federation of approximately 100 of Kyoto's various yakuza groups, comprising an estimated 7,000 members.
The United Mexican States is a federation comprising thirty-one states and a federal district (postal codes are in parentheses):
Some leaders in this group have even hinted that they might pull out of the A.F.L.-C.I.O. if the federation, comprising 60 unions, shunned their calls for change.
The UN Security Council, in Resolution 750 which was adopted by a unanimous vote on April 10, reaffirmed the independence and territorial integrity of the island as a "bicommunal and bizonal" federation comprising two communities with equal political rights.
The UN proposals call for the island's Greek-Cypriot south and Turkish-Cypriot north to be re-united under a federation comprising territorial zones for each community.
Malaysia is a federation comprising thirteen states (Negeri) and three federal territories (Wilayah Persekutuan).
(DE) Bosnia and Herzegovina will only have a future if it is transformed into a federation comprising all three of its nations on an equal basis, which must include not only the Herzegovinian but also the Central Bosnian Croats.
Mr. Kostunica, who has been president of Yugoslavia since Mr. Milosevic's ouster, is seeking a new job because the federation comprising Serbia and Montenegro will be dissolved later this year.