The fees dropped to 2.83 percent of the total cash amount underwritten in 1989, from 3.13 percent the previous year.
Goldman's fees from advising companies on deals dropped 37 percent, to $457 million, in the first quarter.
However, as his fee dropped, he was sold and sent to Japan in 1998.
Their fees have dropped so tremendously over the last eight years, so now they're reaching out to someone else.
Since then, fees dropped to $20 per unit, down $6 from January 2007.
After $500 worth of calls have been purchased, the per-minute fee drops to 23 cents.
At their nadir, the fees had dropped to as little as 1 percent.
Many people say the fees for broadcast rights will drop sharply.
The last few years of his life were spent in Boroughshire and by 1800 he fee had dropped back to 10gns and 10s 6d.
Vote with your feet - if none of you apply next year I'm sure fees will very quickly drop to something affordable.