Those fees, currently about $5 million, should increase in the coming years.
The fees increase along with the power of the computers used to run the software.
Legislative officials said today that they had not agreed on which fees to increase.
For children under 16, the fee increased by 75 percent, to $70 from $40.
The fee has increased in the past nine months to $19.95, then to $24.95 for the same deal of four movies out at a time.
These fees would increase over the course of the three-year contract.
The problem is that once somebody goes over the limit, the fees increase, sometimes drastically.
By 1950, the fee for the course had increased to $300.
The flat fee on those plans will increase by 66 percent, to $5 a month from $3.
But over the years the fees have increased at a faster rate than appropriations.