It seeks to maximise its reach to ensure all licence fee payers are receiving value.
The schools are paid for by parents and therefore should only be beholden to those fee payers.
With the Education Act of 1944 the kindergarten and preparatory department were closed and there were no more fee payers in the school.
Representing all licence fee payers: how we engage with all audiences and take their views into account in making our decisions.
Too bad that your fee payers don't all have these devices.
The scholarship boys get exactly the same education as the fee payers!
At 12:03 1st Dec 2011, brian192 wrote: You have apparently disregarded your customers (the licence fee payers) in all this nonsense.
Just keep those fee payers there long enough that they can't get out of their crappy financial obligation.
Activist hedge funds may become huge fee payers, too.
Parents have the choice to send children to independent schools as fee payers.