The fees range from £200-£1,000 per case and reflect the staggering amount an accident victim is worth to a claims solicitor.
The program's fee of $13,500 also reflects a one-third reduction in tuition at Teachers College.
The credit card companies say the higher fee reflects a greater risk.
These fees reflect pharmacies having the right IT and software systems in place.
Often the fees charged by such individuals reflect an effort to provide service to those who cannot afford the usual rates.
Our fees reflect the cost of providing passport services to the American public.
Annual fees are up to £31,000 per year reflecting the demand for places, and quality of education.
The subsidised fees charged reflect the diversity of the patient base.
In the early days, the fee and percentage reflected the risk that the factoring company was taking on with a fledgling business.
These attorneys are working on contingency and their court-awarded fees should directly reflect the results they achieve.