Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
It is the rich who will benefit from a fee system.
The search for funding has led the Administration toward some sort of fee system.
"My brother is 15 so will be starting under the new fees system.
The management fee system could be one way of encouraging parent groups to run schools.
The university tuition fee system in Japan is different from other countries and very complicated.
This is why we have abandoned it and believe that a fee system as explained should be introduced.
Eventually, what mattered most was the fee system, which is, in itself, not unimportant.
But recording artists from France, which has a similar fee system, will receive a share of money.
This incident sparked debate over the fairness of the fee system.
The more immediate question is what is going to happen between now and 2012 when any new fee system comes in?
If some students can't even understand the the basics of fees system then perhaps university isn't for them?
Does Scotland's university fees system breach human rights laws?
The tuition fee system is not progressive - we will see next year record applications as people rush to get in before the increases.
I had follow this whole fee system closely.
The project, if successful, could relieve the commission of the burden of coming up with a fee system on its own.
If adopted, experts say, the risk-based fee system would almost certainly lead to further consolidation among banks.
Hence the proposals to separate non-profit-making activities from fee systems based on costs.
Another explanation is that the old fee system was based on the postwar corporate structure, where earning capacity increased with age.
None the less, the subtly corruptive potential of a percentage fee system, especially in our enterprise culture, is not hard to imagine.
The Board of Regents and the university system defended the fee system.
The Forest Service is developing a new fee system, Shilling said.
The California parks use a sliding fee system, with higher rates charged in peak season and for more popular parks.
We will curb the abuse of the contingency fee system to insure that most award money goes to those who are injured, not the lawyers.
In the USA a lawyer is allowed to work on a contingent fee system.
The British government described the licence fee system as "the best (and most widely supported) funding model, even though it is not perfect".