It is the rich who will benefit from a fee system.
The project, if successful, could relieve the commission of the burden of coming up with a fee system on its own.
The search for funding has led the Administration toward some sort of fee system.
The more immediate question is what is going to happen between now and 2012 when any new fee system comes in?
This incident sparked debate over the fairness of the fee system.
Another explanation is that the old fee system was based on the postwar corporate structure, where earning capacity increased with age.
Eventually, what mattered most was the fee system, which is, in itself, not unimportant.
This is why we have abandoned it and believe that a fee system as explained should be introduced.
Hence the proposals to separate non-profit-making activities from fee systems based on costs.
But recording artists from France, which has a similar fee system, will receive a share of money.