This threshold can be important in providing homes and feeding grounds for benthic organisms.
The surrounding reed-beds are the haunt of Bittern and Marsh Harrier, the mud-flats are feeding grounds for Shelduck, Avocet and Curlew.
It is an important habitat of tidal mudflats, which are feeding grounds for wildfowl and wading birds.
Extensive seagrass beds across the bay are feeding grounds for Dugongs and Green Turtles.
The whales summer in Northern Pacific feeding grounds, then swim 2,500 miles to the warm waters of Hawaii to give birth, nurture their calves and mate again.
At the top of the pass, a herd of elk browsed along the highway - their summer feeding grounds?
Because the eels are catadromous (living in fresh water but spawning in the sea), dams and other river obstructions can block their ability to reach inland feeding grounds.
Neighbours share feeding grounds, wallowing holes, and resting places.
Most notably, many thousands of elk cross through the area during their annual migration to and from their winter feeding grounds on the National Elk Refuge.
He also considers public firms to be "feeding grounds for lawyers and lawsuits", with regulations like Sarbanes-Oxley only increasing the earnings potential of privately held companies.