In a minute, the hungrily feeding fires would join from side to side, creating an impassable wall of death.
Verity was feeding hungrily.
It was chattering, a sound that reminded her of a flock of birds feeding hungrily on a bird-table in winter.
Terrorists feed hungrily on chaos and press-TV mob scenes create the hysteria they seek.
The same Indian society in which parents still arrange most marriages also feeds hungrily on celluloid fantasies of steamy romantic love.
Vardanes' eyes fed hungrily on the luster of gold.
He only nodded, and we left off talking with either our hands or mouths, using them instead to feed hungrily on the tender broiled meat.
Buddy remembered that always, and the funeral they had later in the day, when the herd was again just trail-weary cattle feeding hungrily on the scanty grass.
It began to feed hungrily.
With each revelation, he watched her eyes, fed hungrily on her dying hope, gorged himself on her ripening despair.