Early in the campaign, in January 1942, General MacArthur ordered that his forces be fed one-half daily rations because the USAFFE food-stocks on Bataan were insufficient for the planned six-month siege.
But after six years the cows show no signs of illness, Dr. Williams said, and another group of cows that were fed rations infected with bits of brain tissue from infected deer also remain healthy.
This essentially con-sists of force feeding scientifically-blended rations to selected cattle held under controlled conditions, telescoping the time period needed to bring the cattle to marketable weight.
Some have spoken of living packed 21 to a hostel dormitory no larger than an American master bedroom, being fed poor rations and being patronized by white supervisors.
In Iraq, journalists literally see the war from the same point of view as the army that is feeding them both information and rations.
He also asserted that detainees had been chained and shackled for up to 15 hours at a time, that they had been fed rations that were 10 years out of date and had been given "foul" water to drink.
School feeding rations had been cut in half.
But farmers in Minnesota and elsewhere are producing organic beef, chicken and pork by feeding them chemical-free rations and eliminating the use of antibiotics and other toxic drugs that promote growth.
She will be locked in her cell at night, fed Army-style rations and rarely permitted to see sunlight.
PEM most commonly develops in cattle fed carbohydrate-rich and roughage-poor rations, which leads to subclinical lactic acidosis, and hence an alteration in ruminal microflora.