Who cares how the employees feel about their jobs or their pay?
When coaches feel insecure about their jobs, early-season records become of paramount importance.
Second, they said they were afraid to speak out because they felt insecure about their jobs.
And people don't feel secure about their jobs, although that is not something that we can measure.
He also likes to find out how his friends feel about their jobs - "taking their temperature," he calls it.
"But how can you make people feel strongly about their jobs if you make them do that?"
Numerous case studies and examples show how you can create an environment in which employees feel passionate about their jobs.
Those feelings, coupled with the stress of balancing work and family, are taking a toll on how women feel about their jobs.
Let's ask the twelve nurses at hospital how they feel about their own jobs.
"They're not expanding their businesses, and consumers aren't buying things because they feel insecure about their jobs."